1Truck CamperWith the SideKick generator tray
power will always be with you
The word “generator” brings three words to mind: light, heat and power. These words represent the things we rely on the most when confronted with the dark and oftentimes intimidating world of the great outdoors. Like two sides to a coin however, there are negative words that also apply to generators: grease, fumes and noise. It’s a simple fact of life that you cannot have one thing without the other. If you want a functioning generator to stay powered up, you’re going to have to compromise. When it comes to generators, compromising means putting up with messy maintenance and dealing with thick fumes, loud noises and other unpleasant experiences.

However, Nolan Sturgeon didn’t have to compromise. Nolan decided to use Torklift’s Lock and Load SideKick generator tray. The Lock and Load SideKick cargo tray allows for storage of generators outside of the truck and camper while still under lock and key. Because of this, Nolan’s trip with his family to the lake was actually spent with his family at the lake and not cleaning away grease or airing out the thick aroma of gasoline. He also didn’t have to worry about his generator being stolen. With the SideKick generator tray, permanently store your generator while on the road or off the grid, all while avoiding those harsh exhaust fumes and unsightly stains.

Stay Locked and Loaded
Nolan (otherwise known as Anutami on Rv.net) spoke highly of the SideKick locking generator tray and wrote:

“I usually store the gen in the cab of the truck but now can keep it locked outside, and [the Torklift Lock and Lock SideKick generator cargo carrier] worked great for the whole trip.”- Anutami

2Truck CamperEnjoy the use of you RV generator wherever the road takes you

Nolan set out on his trip with the locking cargo tray for his Honda generator attached to a receiver on the back of his rig. Nolan was able to prevent generator theft with a high security tamper-proof lock (which comes included) and adjustable high security straps. The locking cargo tray kept his generator secured and safe from the perils of damage and costly generator theft, even as the generator was running.

3lock and load sidekickLock and Load SideKick

There are many different ways to mount your generator, but Nolan only needed one. Mounting the generator was no problem for Nolan, thanks to the SideKick’s ultra-lightweight and compact design. Forged from high impact powder coated aircraft grade aluminum, no heavy lifting was needed to attach the generator tray to the receiver hitch. All he needed to do was attach the 21.25” x 16.125” generator tray to his rear 2” x 2” hitch receiver. The generator stayed on the tray, even while in use. The task would have been especially easy with the addition of Torklift Space Dock receiver hitch accessory, a 4space dock mounting armSpace Dock mounting arm attached to a Palomino truck camper bumper (Not required to use the
Lock and Load SideKick)
specially designed mounting arm adapter (which is sold separately) used to mount a locking cargo carrier to a Palomino Landing Pad bumper. Best of all, Lock and Load’s larger size, the Original Lock and Load, is perfect for larger generators, motorized equipment and added storage. With the use of any size Lock and Load, folks like Nolan can enjoy the added comfort of the additional space as the generator is permanently out of the way.



5Truck camper familySideKick generator tray mounts on
front or rear receiver hitch
Access to the power your family needs
Nolan had nothing to worry about as his family made their way to Leavitt Lake. Thanks to quick, tool-free security access to the generator in its generator carrier, maintenance was as easy as reaching over the security straps and locking bar for direct access to the vital areas of his Honda RV generator. Lock, store and run a Honda or Yamaha generator and other motorized equipment simultaneously. With quick adjustments for generators ranging from 16.5” to 18.5” in height on the SideKick, access to the generator’s most precious components is made easy.

What belongs outside, should stay outside
As Nolan began the long journey home, his Honda generator remained secured to his rear receiver. Safe from thieves and securely locked, his generator kept the lights on and his family warm for the entirety of their trip, emitting clouds of fumes and keeping its symphony of rumbling hums outside where they belong. Backed by Torklift’s lifetime warranty, the Lock and Load SideKick keeps Nolan and his family in good hands for any future camping trips together.

6Truck CamperKeep the noise and the mess outside where they belong
with the Lock and Load SideKick

7Truck Camper
Make your trip more comfortable knowing your family has power

Our goal has always been to help people make joyous memories through our dedicated customer service and reliable products, which are always proudly made in the USA. We at Torklift are delighted to have helped make Nolan’s family trip a happy one.

Be sure to read Nolan’s full trip report on RV.Net.

For more information or to buy the Torklift Lock and Load SideKick generator tray, click here or find a dealer near you.



andrew-headshotWritten by Andrew Wales:
Andrew is a recent graduate from the University of Washington, where he earned his B.A. in Arts, Media and Culture. In his free time, he channels his passion for writing into numerous projects, including the development of a series of full-length science fiction thriller novels. He seeks to put his devotion to writing to good use in the professional field as a technical writer.