By Caitlin Lindsey on Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Category: Torklift Jen

Fireside Torklift Jen

By: Torklift Jen

It was as close to sitting around the campfire and shooting the breeze as you can get for a Wednesday night in front of the computer.

Sans the s’mores and the sweet smells of the great outdoors, Torklift International participated as the featured live guest on the Lance Owners of America’s (LOA) first online chat event.

We were honored to take part in the launch of their new program to bring their community of RV owners together to talk directly with manufacturers and to get their questions answered and opinions heard.

I got to represent Torklift and joined in with members of the organization to discuss topics on truck camping, travel trailers, and aftermarket RV parts and accessories.  We also covered upcoming events and ways everyone can get more involved.

These planned rallies held by L.O.A and similar groups are a great way to meet-up with old friends, new forum acquaintances, and share information with those who share the same passion for a hobby and the lifestyle that outdoor and travel enthusiast’s share.  I am looking forward to attending my first gathering with them soon and from the reminiscing I heard, these campouts are a blast!

Torklift was able to offer support and chat with participants on our products and share some upcoming attractions.  The Lance Ultra Deck Plus bumper was discussed and great questions were asked about the benefits of the new light weight aluminum Talon TieDowns.  We were able to help with inquiries about our turnbuckle lines, new PowerArmor battery boxes, StableLoads for suspension upgrades and many other product applications.  We also discovered that these live chats are another avenue to provide customer service and gain valuable community feedback.  This was a great opportunity and learning experience for Torklift.

True to the camper’s credo when living in the northwest and, coincidentally, to that of anyone relying on perfect performance of your technical systems when you really need it, “When it rains, it pours.”

For the active members, it came across on the screen as a brief delay as Torklift Jen went missing in action.  However,  I’ll let you in on the fact that there were some behind the scenes events in this chat room that would make for some great blooper footage.

I am definitely in the spirit now to start some new adventures, and if I squint really hard the glow of the computer is starting to look like a campfire.  Yes, I really need to get out there.  Happy Camping!

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