A Step Up in Safety: How Torklift Transformed an RV Family's Experience
RV life is about the open road, big skies, and the freedom to explore, with lots of laughs and s’mores along the way. But for Jeanne and Jerred, the dynamic duo behind @roadtripswiththebaileys, one little slip turned their world upside down – literally!
Whoops-a-Daisy on the RV Steps!
Jeanne, in full super-mom mode, was zooming out the RV door when the unthinkable happened. "One day, I was hurrying out of the door chasing my kiddos, and I missed that last step, went tumbling, and sprained my ankle really really bad, laying me up for two to three months (and possibly more), right during the busiest season of the year!" This accident highlighted a critical issue that many don't consider until it's too late, the dangers of factory RV steps.
Torklift Steps In
When we heard about Jeanne’s unfortunate experience, we knew we had to help. Known for our commitment to safety and quality, we offered the Bailey family an upgrade to our GlowStep Revolution® steps. These steps are designed not just to provide access but to ensure stability and safety, no matter where your travels take you.
A New Chapter of Safe Steps
The Baileys were thrilled with the new installation. The GlowStep Revolution® steps are a significant upgrade over their previous setup. Jeanne explains, "Our SmartStep® GlowStep Revolution® RV steps are so much safer and more stable than our old steps. They adapt to our surroundings to provide a consistent connection from the door to the ground, no matter how flat or uneven the site is. They are steady and strong upon entry and exiting the RV, minimizing the movement of the trailer when we're coming in and out. It's much easier to navigate these steps after falling off of our old steps and injuring my ankle. Thank you Torklift!"
Why Choose GlowStep Revolution®?
The Torklift GlowStep Revolution® steps are designed with the user in mind. They feature infinite adjustability and an Earth to RV connection, which adapt to various terrains and provide a firm, reliable foundation. This adaptability is crucial for maintaining safety in the diverse environments RV enthusiasts find themselves in. Additionally, the steps include a glow-in-the-dark safety feature, which enhances visibility during nighttime use—an essential for any RV owner.
Safety as a Priority
The Bailey’s tale isn't just a story about a mishap; it's a testament to keeping the good times rolling safely. Thanks to the GlowStep Revolution®, the Bailey family can now enjoy their travels with peace of mind, knowing that their steps are secure and reliable. For RV owners everywhere, this story is not just about a product but about the importance of safety and the impact of choosing the right equipment for your traveling home.
Now, who’s ready to step up their RV game with Torklift?
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