
Over 40 Years of Innovation, Quality, Safety

On the topic of girls on Torklift Jen

IMG_0860As I get to know the people who make up Torklift, I am seeing more and more of what makes these products so amazing.

I am finding out that my talented colleagues do some extraordinary things not only here, but also in their time off.

To start with there is Amanda.  She’s a co-worker, and someone I definitely don’t want to meet while I’m on roller skates.

She is a competitive women’s roller derby team member.   She has been skating in various leagues across the U.S and now brings her many talents to the Northwest.IMG_0857

A mild-mannered sales and marketing pro by day she is jammer and blocker at night.  She doesn’t need a cape for her super powers, but others in the rink have alter egos with uniforms to match.

I think I see a superhero theme developing.

And, I think not coincidentally, crime in the area seems to be down with Amanda around.

She is also appropriately organizing all of the Torkift Hero nominations for the tribute going on now along with the new Tolklift SuperHitch Hero blog.

The SuperHitch Hero is the new highest capacity hitch made for ½ ton trucks that Torklift just developed.

In honor of heroes everywhere, Torklift is donating $25 for each SuperHitch Hero receiver hitch sold to the Wounded Warrior Project.  Nominations for a Torklift Hero are being taken by sharing your hero stories. By participating you have a chance to win a trip for you and your hero to Hawaii.

To recognize your hero and learn more about the contest see our website:

To read all the nominations and see inspiring stories about people doing extraordinary things follow the blog at:

What do you think?  I think we should start a Torklift team.

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That's a great IKEA... by Torklift Jen

I never know what I am going to be asked to do next here at Torklift.  So, I wasn’t surprised to hear from my manager that “We’re sending you to IKEA for a new lamp.”

What I failed to hear was really, “We have the idea for you to remote camp.

Spotty cell phone service can be so hilarious.

IMG_0796 copyI gladly accepted the offer and couldn’t wait to see if we were going with the traditional table lamp, art deco desk model, or the Swedish modern style.

By the time I had figured out I wouldn’t be shopping this weekend, I had agreed to try out a new receiver hitch application with the truck camper.

They know if I can figure out a new product that anyone can.

We are close to Mt. Rainier and many beautiful camping locations are not too far away for a quick trip.  I found one close enough where I could get the feel of dry camping without disturbing anyone by running the generator for my experiment.

“Big Red,” the Ford F-350 is equipped with receiver hitches in both the front and rear.  The SuperHitch Magnum receiver in the rear is a dual receiver, as are all the Torklift hitches.  So they can tow, but also have the ability to support other hitch-mounted applications.

For this camping trip, I would be using the receiver in the front to carry the Lock and Load for the generator.

Having the generator along was great.  Once I learned how to plug it in.  I ran every possible electrical amenity just for fun.  I promise I would not do this as a “real” camper, but I even ran the hair dryer and curling iron just for scientific research.

I also knew the generator was secure.  I didn’t have to lift it, move it or worry about stowing and locking it for the night.

One of these days I may be able to make it to IKEA.  I bet if I asked, they would let me camp in their parking lot some weekend.

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