Rain is no excuse to postpone a camping trip.
It is inevitable for people living in the Northwest, so here are some hints for looking on the bright side and thinking about all the great things about camping in the rain.
1. The wet dog smell- A familiar fragrance in the NW, popular on canines and humans.
2. The relaxing sound of pitter patter- The soundtrack of the Northwest, they make meditation music of this stuff.
3. Slugs- They are kind of cute and can make good fishing bait.
4. Keeps the risk of forest fires down- Smokey the Bear love us soggy people.
5. At least it is not snow- Cold weather camping can be fun with the right gear, but when it’s summer, that’s a bummer.
6. Games and conversation time- Time to concentrate on the people around us.
7. Um
8. I’ll get back to you
9. Still thinking
10. A truck camper- a new found refuge.
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