What’s black, grey and sometimes potable?
No, not a lead in to a bad joke, these are all very important distinctions to make when moving up to camping with plumbing.
Thanks to this new knowledge, I will never be able to hear that lovely, little Southern rock ditty by the Doobie Brothers the same way again.
Black water is the worst kind of water. It is the direct contents of the RV toilet.
Grey water, although nasty, is just the waste of the bathroom sink, shower and kitchenette.
Common sense would have me believe that potable water would relate to the “potty” as well.
So, not so, as I am learning the color-coded designations of the RV tank system.
Potable water is your fresh water tank.
I am used to tent camping and somehow over years of boating and camping have never had the duty to, well, deal with the “duty”. I have just always known that finding a Honey Bucket was a convenient luxury and I could deal with nature calling out in nature just fine.
I am not looking forward to my first time “dumping.” Yikes! A gauge will show the levels on the control panel in the camper and a distinct stink may tell you when it is time. However, this is a highly researched area of RV life and many products have been developed to make this a quick, easy and sanitary process.
The advice from my co-workers is to not overthink things and just do it.
I wonder how long I can get away with never using the truck camper bathroom. I think the space could make a great walk in closet.
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