
Over 40 Years of Innovation, Quality, Safety

Heavy Medals... by Torklift Jen

Globe Awards 2013 - Displays 004-(ZF-1608-87742-1-002)


Torklift International has won some major awards this year as a leader in  manufacturing and business achievement, and we have another announcement to add to these list of honors.


We were recently named exporter of the year by the World Trade Center- Tacoma Division.




We have had tremendous growth and that includes trade in the world arena.


Torklift began exporting internationally in 2005 and through the economic downturn of 2009 remained increasingly profitable.  Our products are sold in Canada, Germany, Australia, Japan, Sweden, Dubai, Spain, Britain and Belgium.  Russia is the newest market this year.Globe Awards 2013 - Torklift 006-(ZF-1608-87742-1-022)


The spirit of these achievements is born in the commitment to build the safest, best quality, and innovative designs and to overachieve our expectations daily.


Our General Manager, Jay Taylor, promises, “We will continue to grow our company so we can continue to grow our community.”



See the feature in RV Pro -

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