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Tall coffee, short drive-thru... by Torklift Jen

DSCN2977 As a person of short stature, I have rarely encountered a clearance issue.

That is why one morning before my required 1st cup of coffee I found that the truck camper has such an issue with drive-thru’s.

I did not have camping on my mind, and the F-350 rides so smoothly it’s easy to forget the camper is back there.  That is, until you do something on autopilot like order your   coffee and drive forward.

Luckily, I saw the upcoming low overhang as moved slightly ahead, but not soon enough before I had a car pull up right behind me.

No harm done, but I have definitely learned my lesson and will be thinking like a tall person ordering a tall latte’ from now on.

Having an easy to drive truck is no excuse for not remembering that I have a huge camper on board.


Gear of choice: StableLoads-


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