
Over 40 Years of Innovation, Quality, Safety

Forklift Jen... by Torklift Jen

Forklift Jen

Beep, Beep…here I come.IMG_0628

No, not really.  I’m actually not Forklift Jen, Tork lift Jen, Torquelift Jen or even Dorklift Jen.

It’s a common mistake when you have an easily rhyming name, and I don’t take it personally.

With all of the new ways I am learning to get around here at Torklift, I hope I eventually have the opportunity to master the forklift mode of transport, too.

There’s a lot of hard work, skilled craftsmanship and innovation that goes on here.   It’s inspiring to be part of the team and get to see products start from raw metal and then fabricated into the functional art they become.  They are invented, made, boxed and shipped from right here at the factory to all over the world.

I should really get back to work now.  Torklift Jen will not be taking on any new job titles until mastering the F-350 and camper first.

See why I’m so proud to work here:

Torklift International Wins First Place in Seattle Business Magazine’s 2013 Best Company to Work For

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SCRRRAAAAPE...! ... by Torklift Jen


Imagine my surprise as I made shave-ice out of the sidewalk on my first turn onto the main street in the Ford F-350.  I’m thinking they are going to need a “Don’t Trip” sign over that nice etching.

This is a continuation of my first trip in the dually, time elapsed now less than 30 seconds.

There was just one oversight in my pre-flight check list, I had forgotten to remove the SuperHitch Everest weight distribution shank and head.  Oops.


I had to consider if that awful sound was normal.  I opted to turn around and head back to the plant, but not before getting to perfect my 20-point turn into oncoming traffic.  This truck and camper amounts to a huge road block at times.

At this point I had to wonder if “Torklift Jen” would be scrapped for her weight in metal when she returned.

Fingers crossed!

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This is not a Torklift Jen

“These are my feet and those are the pedals,” I thought to myself.

This was my first observation upon getting into the driver’s seat of the Ford F-350.  If you could call it a driver’s seat.  It’s more like a king’s throne that requires a ladder to get in.

There was going to be a problem if this is as far as the seat goes.

With some major adjustments and what seemed like a ridiculously long time inching forward in the automated seat.  I crossed the great divide between my feet and the pedals.

Without having to opt for a high-heeled hiking boot to reach the gas pedal, I was able to get into position for the next challenge ahead.


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