
Over 40 Years of Innovation, Quality, Safety

Meet a real Mountain Man... by Torklift Jen

“Go find the Mountain Man.”  That term was used to describe Casey Cotter, our lead engineer, and master behind so many of Torklift’s innovations.

He’s the real deal, and can be found on weekends out in nature thinking up brilliant ideas to make camping easy and possible for people like me.

Where he could “MacGuyver” an instant wiring fix to keep the batteries charged all night, I need a plug in harness and hopefully a switch labeled boldly off and on.

Where I think it would be genius to use duct tape for an easy fix.  He can engineer real lab tested performance solutions to everyday camping needs and problems.

Where he could survive on the land for days, I panic if all the fixin’s for s’mores aren’t in the cooler.

Where he could have made Eagle Scout, I quit the Brownie troop when I learned it wasn’t all about the chocolatey treat.

Where he could tell you if your GAWR is in line with your GVWR and your GCVWR is within your GTWR and GVWR, and your TW better not be over 10% of your GTW and you’re gonna need WD.  I would say,  “That’s a big RV.”

Casey can directly answer the, “call of the wild,” where my call needs operator assistance and sometimes goes to voice mail.

I can learn a lot from Casey Cotter.

Oh no, he is wearing his camouflage hat again, I think he sees me coming for some more advice.

Casey’s Torklift invention of choice: StableLoads suspension upgrade

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Boondocking- it just sounds scary... by Torklift Jen


I imagine boondocking will be a camping experience like this.

I pull into the most picturesque, secluded camping spot I can find.  Through the deep, dark woods right on the edge of the lake.  But, something seems just too perfect about it.  Come to think of it, I hadn’t passed another vehicle for miles.

Oh well, I enjoy my afternoon of exploring and as I return to the camper at dusk, I notice I have a neighbor.

The cutest little couple comes out of their trailer to greet me.

They are just so friendly.  They go on and on chatting about the history of the area and stories of their travels.

“Did you know they have been camping together for well over 50 years? “

They are so nice, so very, very nice.

The couple invites me over for games. They invite me for dinner.  However, I notice a strange glance and giggles between them throughout these offers of hospitality.  They still act like newlyweds, how sweet.

I think, “How did they survive out here in the middle of nowhere, out in the boondocks, for so long? “

Wait a minute, wait A MINUTE!

“They want to have ME for dinner!”

I excuse myself back the camper in hurry.

Suddenly, I feel a sharp tap on my shoulder.


Oh, it was just them again.

They remind me to turn my lights down as there are no hookups here.

WHHHHHAAAA!!!! AAAAHHHHHH!!!!! The horror, the humanity! No hookups!

Boondocking means camping without hookups.


Have no fear- with HiddenPower you can keep the lights on all night.


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Advice for camping with a cat... by Torklift Jen


Camping is great fun for the whole family.  Including the four-legged ones.

So, it was time to let Ivy, my cat, enjoy the freedom of truck camping and a new second home on wheels.  Why not?

Dogs love to swim, explore all the new smells of the great outdoors, sneaking dropped camping goodies, and the thrill of hunting big game, even if it is just chasing a chipmunk.


Her eyes became as wide as saucers and she was all claws, my otherwise docile kitty quickly showed me who was boss.  She obviously didn’t appreciate the safety and comfort I was able to provide for her in a camper.IMG_2645

She lived up to the name “Poison Ivy” as in something that you get while camping and never want to be exposed to it again. I left her home to reign over her own little kingdom, maybe it’s not too late to rent a dog for the weekend.

Safe Step:    Step riser guard panels protect pets from falling and “see through” anxiety on scissor steps.


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Balancing work, play, and the right way to get into a Torklift Jen

I’m making a splash … literally.DSCN2934

I put myself on assignment this weekend and hauled some boating stuff up to the lake.  In my mind, this was a professional outing, so I geared-up and had hyped myself into being a rather important researcher.

Then I learned the real meaning of “splash.”

With all my enthusiasm I jumped into the little kayak, both feet first.


I learned the cold hard truth.

The kayak had flipped me out into the cold lake water.  I was a human slingshot and I went an impressive distance.

I struggled to drag the boat to shore as it filled with water and became impossible to bail out.  I was fully clothed, wearing boots and a life jacket, but now I know what it’s like to be on the wrong side of the mob wearing cement shoes and facing an East River demise.

I concluded that balance is crucial to all things in towing, hauling, suspension, mind and body. And getting into a boat.

Gear of Choice: SuperTruss Extension

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SCRRRAAAAPE...! ... by Torklift Jen


Imagine my surprise as I made shave-ice out of the sidewalk on my first turn onto the main street in the Ford F-350.  I’m thinking they are going to need a “Don’t Trip” sign over that nice etching.

This is a continuation of my first trip in the dually, time elapsed now less than 30 seconds.

There was just one oversight in my pre-flight check list, I had forgotten to remove the SuperHitch Everest weight distribution shank and head.  Oops.


I had to consider if that awful sound was normal.  I opted to turn around and head back to the plant, but not before getting to perfect my 20-point turn into oncoming traffic.  This truck and camper amounts to a huge road block at times.

At this point I had to wonder if “Torklift Jen” would be scrapped for her weight in metal when she returned.

Fingers crossed!

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My new job title: Torklift Jen

IMG_1639I experiment with Torklift products and take them out in the real world with a uniquely “Torklift Jen” perspective.  Some people say I’m like an action figure All I need is a cape!

What is the “Torklift Jen” perspective you ask?

Well, I get lots of advice during my work week on what to do, and most importantly what NOT to do by some of the best in the industry.  I look forward to sharing what I learn and passing on what I find about new products, engineering information and technical advice.

Just as a preview, you’ll find out what it’s like for little ole’ me to drive a giant truck!

I will check-in from the roads traveled with the people I meet while wearing my “Torklift Jen” hat.

Let me know if you have any great ideas and what makes your off time work for you.


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I could be called an experiment... by Torklift Jen

IMG_1624When I told my team at Torklift International that I had never truck camped, the room went silent.  I could tell that this was a serious offense.  At that moment, I was dubbed an experiment, a newbie … a truck camper.

Since that day, it has become my job to truck camp and document my experiences.

I used to drive a Hyundai.  Now I drive a Ford F-350.  This truck and the Torklift products installed on it will endure the test of ultimate user friendliness, my active recreational use and performance with grace-under-fire.

Let’s hope not literally.

My job is clear.  I am an experiment and the mad scientist is Torklift International.

And to start, a good question for a new guinea pig should always be: “What happened to the old guinea pig?”

I think she probably became an expert!

Join me on my trials as I form a hypothesis on what this truck camping thing is all about.
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