
Over 40 Years of Innovation, Quality, Safety

Take Two... by Torklift Jen

The F-350 seat adjusted: Check. IMG_1258


The squiggle indicator off: Check.


 No explosion upon starting the engine and the Everest parts are off: Check.  Phew!  I think I can do this.


 The rest of the test drive went smoothly. Really!


 I was impressed by the handling of the truck, especially with such a big camper.  I felt no lack of power going up steep hills, good stopping distance and it handled well over rough, un-even roads and railroad tracks.


 I am used to driving a stiff suspension little car.  It is nice to feel high and mighty on the road.  It feels like I’m going places, making it big, and climbing the corporate ladder even if that ladder looks more like a tree…, I’m loving it.

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The squiggle indicator of death... by Torklift Jen

I was warned by my manager at Torklift, “If you see the light on and you start the engine too soon you will blow those bulbs out and the bulbs are $600 each.”

Those are very expensive bulbs I thought!

Later I was told it was engine parts that were the concern not the bulbs! :)

I was already nervous enough about getting to drive that behemoth of a truck, so this was just one more thing to make my teeth clatter.

Also, I was unaware if my guinea pig status included an expense and incidentals account, let alone hazard pay.

The squiggle light of death ended up being not so scary.

The diesel engine started right up with a mighty roar and that comforting rattle that reminded me of riding in an elementary school bus, which felt about the same size, by the way.

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