
Over 40 Years of Innovation, Quality, Safety

Meet a real Mountain Man... by Torklift Jen

“Go find the Mountain Man.”  That term was used to describe Casey Cotter, our lead engineer, and master behind so many of Torklift’s innovations.

He’s the real deal, and can be found on weekends out in nature thinking up brilliant ideas to make camping easy and possible for people like me.

Where he could “MacGuyver” an instant wiring fix to keep the batteries charged all night, I need a plug in harness and hopefully a switch labeled boldly off and on.

Where I think it would be genius to use duct tape for an easy fix.  He can engineer real lab tested performance solutions to everyday camping needs and problems.

Where he could survive on the land for days, I panic if all the fixin’s for s’mores aren’t in the cooler.

Where he could have made Eagle Scout, I quit the Brownie troop when I learned it wasn’t all about the chocolatey treat.

Where he could tell you if your GAWR is in line with your GVWR and your GCVWR is within your GTWR and GVWR, and your TW better not be over 10% of your GTW and you’re gonna need WD.  I would say,  “That’s a big RV.”

Casey can directly answer the, “call of the wild,” where my call needs operator assistance and sometimes goes to voice mail.

I can learn a lot from Casey Cotter.

Oh no, he is wearing his camouflage hat again, I think he sees me coming for some more advice.

Casey’s Torklift invention of choice: StableLoads suspension upgrade

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Whoa, Nellie!... by Torklift Jen

Do you ever get that feeling while towing or hauling when your mental brakes kick in and the weight of your truck is not stopping with you?  Those teeth clenching, heart racing, toe-curling seconds can seem like minutes.Truck

I looked up the word for this affliction and it’s called agoraphobia.  It’s the phobia of losing control, of not being able to stop.  In an extreme case, it’s the fear of leaving the house entirely, but we’ll leave that to a trained psychotherapist to treat.

There is good news when this prognosis pertains to you and your truck’s suspension.

“Big Red” gets all the cool stuff, and I have been amazed with the control while driving this F-350 with StableLoads on and a fully loaded camper and trailer.  I was taught how to easily disengage the units myself when I’m not towing, so the ride is not affected at all for daily driving.

The engineers here tell me they help with the forward surge I was feeling and improve the truck’s handling while loaded by pre-activating the factory overload spring.  They work alone or in conjunction with air bags as they do two different things.

In fact, to level with air bags when carrying a heavy load means taking the majority of the weight off the factory suspension.  The weight is then carried on an area roughly the size of two footballs.  By bypassing the factory suspension, you can actually experience an increase in unsafe handling such as bucking, sway, and body roll.

Tame your beast and save yourself an expensive trip to the therapist.

StableLoads are the lowest cost, most effective and highest return suspension modification on the market.


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Take Two... by Torklift Jen

The F-350 seat adjusted: Check. IMG_1258


The squiggle indicator off: Check.


 No explosion upon starting the engine and the Everest parts are off: Check.  Phew!  I think I can do this.


 The rest of the test drive went smoothly. Really!


 I was impressed by the handling of the truck, especially with such a big camper.  I felt no lack of power going up steep hills, good stopping distance and it handled well over rough, un-even roads and railroad tracks.


 I am used to driving a stiff suspension little car.  It is nice to feel high and mighty on the road.  It feels like I’m going places, making it big, and climbing the corporate ladder even if that ladder looks more like a tree…, I’m loving it.

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