By Sheryl Bushaw on Thursday, 16 July 2015
Category: RV Products

If these quit working at the campsite…you might not make it

Power your RV with a generatorConvenience is hard to come by in the forest, on a destitute road or at a campground. Thank goodness for generators because they keep us modern and “plugged in” at the campsite, allowing us to continue enjoying those little luxuries. Sometimes we don’t realize what we take for granted until it’s gone.

Here’s the top five things campers derive generator power for, followed by how you can prevent these little luxuries from slipping through your fingers.

Can’t live without

  1. Your “I-got-to-cook-it-right-now” Microwave

  2. Your “It-keeps-my-armpits-smelling-fresh” Air Conditioning

  3. Your “I’m-secretly-watching-Gilligan’s Island” Television

  4. Your “It-sometimes-doubles-as-a-hand-warmer” Hair Dryer

  5. Your “Let-there-be-light!” Moments

If you’re not a fan of tent camping, it’s hard to imagine camping without these conveniences. Or worse yet, imagine camping at your favorite secret location only to wake up to find your generator-powered belongings didn’t work. Envision walking outside and seeing your generator had been stolen. That certainly puts a damper on things.

Generator safety
The Torklift International Lock and Load SideKick protects your camping lifestyle by keeping your generator secure and providing the endless power you appreciate.

The locking generator tray accommodates the most popular generators: Yamaha EF2400iSHC, Yamaha EF2000is and the Honda Eu2000ai.

Generator tray materials
Lock and Load SideKick is an aircraft grade aluminum tray featuring a sturdy, adjustable strapping mechanism that goes over the generator, securing it from theft. The tray and security strap do not interfere with use of the generator. It also comes with a heavy-duty puck lock and keys.

The mountable cargo tray fits into any standard 2-inch by 2-inch receiver port or any standard 2-inch by 2-inch receiver trailer hitch (front hitch or rear hitch).

Lock and Load SideKick cargo tray in front receiver hitch with Yamaha Generator

Torklift International offers other sizes of the Lock and Load security trays to accommodate larger generators too. Click here to see the original Lock and Load locking cargo carrier.

Lock and Load SideKick for generatorsGenerator tray aftercare
The Lock and Load SideKick generator tray is durable and built to withstand the elements of outdoors and sticky fingers of thieves, but just as it takes care of your generator, you must also take care of your generator tray. Since the tray is made from aluminum with high impact powder coat finish, you don’t have to worry about rust or corrosion.

Since the generator does not need to be removed for use, it’s common to leave the generator on the SideKick generator tray for long periods of time. Enjoy camping with all the necessities you can’t bear living without. Store, lock and run your generator simultaneously with the Lock and Load SideKick.

Check out the SideKick in action by watching this video:

Click here to learn more about Torklift International Lock and Load SideKick.

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